IAM Local Lodge 2740 --------- Somerset, Maine
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Local Lodge 2740 --------- Somerset, Maine


Maine Rep Blasts Free Trade
A Congressman from Maine who spent more than 30 years working in the state’s timber mills is ripping into unfair trade laws that are for eliminating jobs and destroying small towns throughout his state.

In an address to the Greater Bangor Central Labor Council, Rep. Michael Michaud denounced current free trade policies, saying they have cost Mainers more than 24,000 jobs since the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994. "NAFTA has been nothing but a disaster in this state," said Michaud.

The attraction of low wages and minimal environmental regulations overseas are too good a deal for U.S. corporations to resist, explained Michaud, who recently introduced legislation to repeal the president’s Trade Promotion Authority and voted against the latest US-Singapore and US-Chile Free Trade Agreements.

“We all have a right to ask, what exactly are we trading away in these agreements? Our jobs? Our rights? Our economy?” asked Michaud. “It is time to make sure that American trade is not just free, but fair.”

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Last modified: 2/20/2010

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