IAM Local Lodge 2740 --------- Somerset, Maine
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Local Lodge 2740 --------- Somerset, Maine


On Strike for Jobs at Stanley
Machinists in Connecticut voted overwhelmingly to strike Stanley Works after the company’s final contract proposal failed to address members’ concerns regarding outsourcing and subcontracting. Under the direction of current CEO John Trani, Stanley has steadily siphoned jobs away from Connecticut to China, Mexico and other sweatshop locations, which the company euphemistically refers to as “Low Cost Countries” or LCC’s.

“For every U.S. job Stanley sends permanently overseas, three to four additional jobs in the community disappear forever,” said IP Tom Buffenbarger. “Manufacturers like Stanley are systematically hollowing out the economic foundations this country was built on.”

The company’s offshore aspirations drew national attention last year when CEO Trani’s tax-dodging bid to move the company’s headquarters to Bermuda was defeated by a combination of street demonstrations, legislative pressure and IAM members’ legal action. The strike at Stanley is the first since 1968.

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Last modified: 2/20/2010

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