IAM Local Lodge 2740 --------- Somerset, Maine
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Local Lodge 2740 --------- Somerset, Maine


IAM Local Agenda Update
After meeting February 25 with the Company the following movements have taken place:

Union Item 1 Sub-Area Bidding No Agreement

Union Item 2 IAM Training Committee No Agreement

Union Item 3 Maintenance shift Vacancy &OT Procedures Union Withdrew

Union Item 4 Overtime & Call-in List Tentative Agreement

Union Item 5 Maintenance Day Overtime Procedure

Sec. 29.0 Move to General Agenda
Sec. 29.1 No Agreement

Union Item 6 Language change request for Temporary Area Assignment Tentative Agreement

Union Item 7 Sec. 34 Vacation c. Machinist-Millwright Tentative Agreement.

Union Item 8 Tool Purchases Tentative Agreement.

2 Arbitration cases were settled without precedent or prejudice.

14-2740-01 Contracting out

6-2740-02 Shutdown Recall

Sec.45 Recall Rights: concerning temporary recall of laid off millwright employees. Tentative Agreement

MOA Welding Program Tentative Agreement

MOA Gearbox & Pump Shops Tentative Agreement

MOA Gearbox & Pump Crews Journeyman “A” Level Standards Tentative Agreement

Local Agenda Meetings:

July 16,17,18,30,31

August 1

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Last modified: 2/20/2010

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